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Yo' kin always hab a dollah,
When yo' gits a rabbit-foot;
'Cause de luck is bound to follah,
When yo' gits a rabbit-foot.
You may not want to tak' it,
But 'tiz so, shorz yo' born,
No matter how yo' mak' it,
I'm always gwine to own
A good ol' rabbit-foot.
All yer trubbles seem to lebe yo',
When yo' gits a rabbit-foot;
Nobody kin decebe yo',
When yo' gits a rabbit-foot.
Jes' always git a lef' foot,
Don't nebber git de right;
Ketch de rabbit in a grabeyard,
'Bout de middle ub de night—
Dat's de kind ub rabbit-foot.


Git de lef' foot dat's behin',
Dat's de lucky rabbit-foot;
An' ef de rabbit's blin',
Dat's a sho' rabbit-foot;
'Tiz better'n habin' munny,
'Cause dat may git away,
But wid de proper rabbit-foot
Yer luck is dar to stay.
Jes' git a rabbit-foot.
You'll git offis 'dout votin',
Ef yo' got a rabbit-foot;
All dese rich folks is a-totin'
One dese same rabbit-foots.
Sum dese edikated people
Dat's a-laffin' so at me,
Ef you'd look into dar pockets,
I lay ennything you'd see
Dey's got a rabbit-foot.