University of Virginia Library

God Squaders

Dear Sir:

I do not call to question
Mr. Shannon's recent grant of
permission to use University
facilities by recognized student
religious groups. I question
however, the reliance of many
to resolve the problem in light
of what Mr. Jefferson "might
have done." In order to be
justified, the decision must be
based on the merits of the case
at hand and not an unfocused
projection back in time to
1825 – as if Mr. Jefferson had
a hot line to truth.

Secondly, I am greatly
concerned with a harmful
effect which will accrue to the
University as a result of its
change in policy. While I
attended the University, I was
"attacked" by God Squaders
on several occasions. Their
intentions are not to educate
students of religious truths but
to indoctrinate or convert
students to their fairy beliefs.
Consequently, a serious
question of bilateral religious
freedom arises.

Ordinarily, the First
Amendment is interpreted as a
grant of liberty without