University of Virginia Library

Dim Prospects

Fortunately the prospects
for this solution are dim,
according to University
Business Manager Richard F.
Shutts. "You can't say it
wouldn't happen, but it is
highly unlikely. With a growing
first-year class which may soon
reach 3,000, at least one half
of the people usually eat

"Really, I am
worrying about the other way
around, that 1,500 won't be

University Planning
Director Werner K. Sensbach
echoed his concern for
students. "We must be very
careful to decide what will be
best for students. We want to
avoid accepting a bid which
might increase tuition or board
for the students."

Many University
administrators, however, have
expressed confidence in the
project, and would be
"opposed" to any mandatory
programs. "There is a fair
confidence in the new
Observatory dining hall," Mr.
Williams said. "When a bonding
is involved, the University must
believe that bond will be
met. It is possible, like in the
case of the dormitories, to
make the contract compulsory,
but only as an absolute last

Planners for the project
have discussed several
possibilities if the funding for
the new cafeteria failed. Mr.
Williams cited the flexibility of
the building as essential for
expansion to meet any
immediate needs.