University of Virginia Library


I accepted the director's
invitation to preview his play.
His insights into gay life being
so personal and profound, I did
not expect much. And the play
disappointed my minimal

There is no longer a great
need to denounce the play.
Regardless of this or that
interpretation, it is a piece of
oppression. The author
himself, Mart Crowley, has
admitted as much in his latest
interview (Playbill Magazine,
Jan. '73).

It is demoralizing to behold
characters who accept their
persecuted status – the hell on
earth that psychiatrists,
vice-squadsmen, priests,
capitalists, and -heterosexuals
can create for the subculture
when they are not restrained.
It is appalling to behold
characters who internalize
rather than externalize hatred.
It is painful to behold a drama
which emphasizes the ravages
of guilt without suggesting its
resolution in rage.