University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I think today's young
Americans are fast becoming
the most corrupted generation
since our country's beginning. I
don't mean to include all the
youth, because there are still
some clean-cut, patriotic young
adults characterized by their
short hair and jean-less attire.
This group is being stampeded
by that hippieppe group
where it is hard to distinguish
the guys from the girls.

There is lacking in today's
youth an appreciation of their
country. They don't seem to
realize how extremely
fortunate they are to live in
this golden land of
opportunity. I think they all
deserve to be sent to Russia or
China to suffer under a
Communist government, and
then perhaps they would
realize and appreciate the
extreme freedom and
opportunity the United States
offers. These "long haired
freaks" do not show any
respect for their glorious

When the national anthem is
played people should be deeply
moved. Instead of standing
with bowed heads and their
hands placed over their hearts
this group shows total apathy
to the significance and
tradition of the anthem. I have
also noticed that some of this
corrupted group wears an
emblem of the flag on the seat
of their pants. I cannot
understand how anyone could
take this precious symbol of
our nation and so debase it. I
feel that in this matter some
strict punishment is called for.
America can't let her
reputation go down the drain
because of the horrible
behavior of these hippies.

I am writing this letter in
the hope that some of the
students who read it will see
the light and alter their
behavior. Our America is the
most perfect nation ever
created and unless today's
youth change their attitudes
they will destroy the inspired
traditions of the previous
generations of Americans.

Sara Clapsaddle