The Cavalier daily Thursday, April 27, 1972 | ||
Letters To The Editor
Candidate Unafraid Of 'Independent Course'
I would like to express my
agreement with your editorial
endorsing Phil Chabot for
Student Body President. Mr.
Chabot has shown by his
actions that he isn't afraid to
take an independent course
when it is necessary.
He is the only member of
Student Council who has
testified before the State
Legislature, the only member
of Student Council who isn't
afraid of the administration,
and the only member of
Student Council who sees the
inherent weaknesses of Student
If elected, he won't be
locked up on the fourth floor
of Newcomb Hall. I add my
endorsement to your own.
College 1
Having waded through two
editorials endorsing Phil
Chabot, I feel that some
comment is necessary.
You believe that it is time
for a revitalization of Council
and a reevaluation of its
methods. I believe that you,
Mr. Wells and the Managing
Board, should remember your
first year(1969-1970) and the
Kevin Mannix-led morass that
bogged down the Student
Council. A return to such a
system under Phil Chabot can
hardly be titled a revitalization
(other words, such as
stagnation, do come to mind,
Jim Rinaca and Larry
Sabato offer an alternative to
the revitalization that you
favor. They offer excellent
organizational skills, a wide
range of University experience,
and the ability to communicate
with all segments of the
This is an alternative that
should not be ignored. It is
your loss to have done so.
College 3
I was pleased to read your
endorsement of Mr. Phil
Chabot for President of the
Student Council in the
editorial of your April 25 issue.
In your statement you
discussed many of Mr.
Chabot's successful endeavors
while on the Student Council,
and to your outline I must add
his effectiveness in working
with the First Year Council last
From personal experience
on that Council, I cannot stress
too much the importance of
good organization and
communication from the
beginning necessary to make
the First Year Council a truly
representative body of 1600
students. As liaison between
the Student Council and our
Council it was Mr. Chabot's
responsibility to initiate these
characteristics into the officers
and members when we first
met in the fall.
Primarily through his own
actions and genuine interest,
Mr. Chabot set a precedent
that was subsequently followed
the rest of the year. As a result
the First Year Council
successfully achieved most of
its goals for first-year students,
and indeed was much more
influential and gained more
respect within the University
community than any previous
As you said, our only
concern must be for the best
interest of the University. Phil
Chabot has successfully
demonstrated his sincere
concern and will continue to
do so as President of the
Student Council.
College 2
The CD's editorial
conclusion of yesterday must
strike many of us who know
Phil Chabot and Jim Rinaca as
a complete absurdity. My
preference for Jim Rinaca over
Phil is predicated by far more
than your weak assertion that
he (Jim) does not "seriously
challenge the existing structure
of Student Council."
The suggestion that Phil has
made for his own regime are
already in effect. The structure
which Council assumes each
year is more an expression of
the personality and working
style of each President than the
institutionalization of some
ideological systems
management concept.
The CD's depiction of Phil
in its editorial as, somehow, an
individual against the machine
is ludicrous. The individuals
who have publicly expressed
their endorsement of Jim will
probably never be seen on the
same side of an issue again.
Phil, himself, attempted to
collect the same kind of
support in the community,
calling many of the same
people who support Jim,
including me. My support for
Jim is based on my belief,
formed by watching both in
Council all year, that, while
Phil may sound great in paper,
when it come to pushing
projects through, the inevitable
administrative crap and
achieving lasting results, Jim
far surpasses Phil.
Anyone can sit up in
Council offices and churn out
paper fantasies, but few can
turn out solid achievements.
Both candidates are incredibly
well qualified but only one is
capable enough to shoulder the
responsibility for representing
the entire University
community. That is Jim
Rinaca. The CD would do well
to avoid creating and catering
to paranoid fantasies of
conspiracy, machine politics
and status quo politics.
Student Council Rep.
College 4
I have read much
controversy in your columns
recently concerning the
upcoming Student Council
Presidential elections. Both the
good and the bad points of
each candidate has been
discussed at length, and I am
convinced that Phil Chabot is
the most qualified to become
the Council's next president.
Since I've been at the
University, I have noticed Mr.
Chabot's name associated with
various committees that have
accomplished very worthwhile
and concrete objectives. I was
glad to see in yesterday's
Cavalier Daily that you
endorsed Phil Chabot for
President of the Student
Council, and I too, would like
to add my support to his
Engineering 2
I would like some
explanation of why it is
"defacement" when some
apparently serious-minded but
hotheaded radical splashes red
paint on Maury Hall, but it is
not "defacement" when some
apparently snobbish and
socially unconscious
conservative splashes white
"Z's" and "IMP's" on buildings
all over the grounds. I think
you owe us some rethinking, as
well as an apology to the
decorator(s) of Maury Hall.
Visiting Asst. Professor
of History
It is indeed a sad day when
the editor of such a fine
newspaper as yours can allow
advertisements with such
obvious encouragement of
illicit sex.
I am referring to an ad on
page 4 of today's issue which
reads, "Date Headquarters,
University 14th Street Motor
Inn." May the Lord punish
you, Mr. Wells, and Mr. Klein.
College 1
The Cavalier daily Thursday, April 27, 1972 | ||