University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I have read with both
amusement and repugnance the
articles and letters of the last
few days pertaining to the
column written by Brother Ed
about the uncultured white
society. At first, I was amused
by what Brother Ed had to say,
not so much by what he had to
say as how he said it. Now I am
sickened by the thought that
The Cavalier Daily, which I
believe to be a fine newspaper,
can find nothing better to fill
it's pages than articles written
by people who preach hatred
and racism.

What I found most
disconcerting about his last
article was the fact that
everybody who has not read
any poetry by young black
women "is leading a depraved
and superficial existence", and
that, "it is too much to ask
these non-people to understand
love, beauty, sorrow, and life."
This is a narrow-minded,
bigoted, and just plain
ridiculous assumption.

I personally liked the first
poem in the article (dealing
with life), but I think it would
have been in better taste to put
just the poem in and leave
everything preceding it out of
the article. If that were done, I
doubt that any blacks, unless
they knew her personally
would know that Pat Bradley
was one of their race.

If Brother Ed wishes to
cloud this fine newspaper and
this good poetry with his
idiotic phrases, ridiculous
assumptions, and downright
stupid lies, then let him write a
letter to the editor. Find some
other person who can write
about the deplorable racist
problem in a logical manner
without being a racist himself.
In other words, get somebody
with a more objective
viewpoint who can support his
claims, I'm only grateful that
Brother Ed had the good taste
to include Pat Bradley's
excellent poetry and prose in
his article.

Brother Ed's views could be
valid, and he has the right to
state them, but I do not believe
that his view merit a column in
this newspaper.

Andrew Levin
College I