University of Virginia Library

Before Puritanism

For the purposes, however, the
choreography was very well suited.
Most of the players were not
sophisticated dancers, so any
complicated routines would
probably not have gone well; but
what movement there was came
across stylishly, pleased the eye,
and added to the music. Especially
successful was the number
"Victory", which closed the first
act and then the whole show,
featuring a vocal by Liz Williams
(playing Lysistrata) and the entire

The text for "Black Lysistrata",
in the words of a shocked high
school teacher at the Wednesday
matinee, "wasn't the same as the
play I remember reading." Students
of the ancient Greek drama will
know that the Greeks were free in
their treatment of sexual subjects
and nudity on stage; it was ages
before the invention of Puritan and
Victorian morals.