University of Virginia Library

Patriotic Endeavor

Thirdly, prostitution must be
looked upon as a very patriotic
endeavor. The Constitution decrees
that the country must provide for a
citizen's pursuit of happiness. If one
finds happiness in a prostitute's
services, who are we to pass

This topic of legalized
prostitution is not necessarily a new
one, but one that needs much more
research before any rational
decisions can be made. How can we
do this? The age old axiom of
writing one's Congressman will not
do. Who hasn't heard of the
government call girls? He has too
much to lose. The police won't help
either. In New York City, the
Knapp Commission has heard
testimony that the police in that
city have received payoffs for
protecting gambling and
prostitution rackets. It seems
logical to me that all large city
police forces are making money
from protecting prostitution.

The only way to get the
research done is to do it yourself. I
suggest that you go to D.C. one
evening in the near future and
hangout on 13th or 14th Streets.
14th Street is best because you can
find the street walkers from New
York Avenue to Clifton Street.
Street walkers are the best bet for
those researchers who do not have a
load of money in their pocket.
They can be found as cheaply as
twenty dollars (that compares with
$7.50 in Amsterdam and Stuttgart.

For those among you with
more taste and money, I suggest

that you check into one of the
dance halls on 14th Street. There is
a certain art to being picked up. If
you don't know it, just observe it
until you feel that you are at ease
enough to do it. It must be
remembered that it is against the
law only if the girl propositions you
or solicites you for a drink. There
are girls in the dance halls who are
hired to dance and drink the drinks
that you buy for them. Odds are
that you will start the hike to one
of the back rooms.