University of Virginia Library


Since students are concerned
about housing and classroom space,
one might ask whether Student
Council even bothered to make any
proposals in this area. It just so
happens that Council initiated a
proposal for residential colleges in
1967, and stressed its continued
support for such an approach last
year. Ideas regarding residential
colleges are still being bantered
about, but they are just entering
the committee-consideration stage,
which means that they are

The major housing discussion
last year centered on the
development of additional student
housing near the central Grounds of
the University, particularly near or
on Lambeth Field. Student Council
has tried time and again to get this
committee to develop a type of
housing which students want.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that
the students were not properly
consulted regarding this proposed
housing development, the plans
have yet to come out in a form
acceptable to students, much less
the Charlottesville community.
Originally, high rise dormitories
were to be developed, even though
Student Council preferred student
apartments and/or residential
colleges. As soon as President
Shannon got the decision he
wanted out of the committee
—apartments to be built at the
discretion of the architect—the
committee stopped meeting.