University of Virginia Library

True Intent?

Dear Sir:

I find that I am no longer able
to sit back while The Cavalier Daily
continues its unfounded attack on
fraternities. The Kappa Sigma
incident as reported by you is to
the definite discredit to that house
and I hope those responsible will be
punished. Is it, however, in the
name of fair reporting and a
responsible press that The Cavalier
uses this incident to prove
that fraternities in general are racist?

In your editorial of September
28 entitled "Beyond Stars and
Bars", you state "Reports from the
first round of fraternity rush parties
indicate an abundance of racism
here already." I have already
indicated my abhorrence of the
Kappa Sigma incident. Does one
incident constitute an "abundance
of racism?" I agree that those
fraternities which discriminate
because of race should be publicly
exposed, however, if, until you
compile this list, you continue to
lump all fraternities together, you
are guilty of the same stereotyping
for which you chastise fraternities.

Just as there are too few Black
editors of The Cavalier Daily, there
are too few Black fraternity
members. If, however, The Cavalier
is truly interested in
eliminating racism in fraternities,
your methods are very poor.

There are no Black members of
my house, but does this mean we
are racist? This is my fourth rush
and in that time there has been but
one Black rushee at our house. The
decision that he not pledge was
made by him, not us. The Cavalier
has, through its
anti-fraternity campaign, succeeded
in dissuading Black students from
rushing. How can fraternities ever
become integrated if Black students
do not even rush? If The Cavalier
is really committed to the
elimination of racism in fraternities
it seems to be going about it in the
wrong way. If your true purpose is
not the elimination of racism but
rather the elimination of
fraternities, let me suggest you so
state this editorially and get your
true intention out in the open.

Wayne J. Peck
College 4