University of Virginia Library

Good Background

As the program was originally
conceived, the Club specialized in
catering to the hard-core cinema
freak. Now under the direction of
Walter Korte, the program is
designed to supplement Drama 81,
Cinema as an Art Form. Several
other courses also recommend
seeing the series.

The films shown this year date
back to 1962, but provide excellent
backgrounds for current films by
directors who have established
themselves. For example,
Viscounti, director of "Death In
Venice," is represented by his
earlier film "Sandra," and "King
and Country" is directed by Joseph
Losey, whose "The Go-Between"
won the Grand Prize at last year's
Cannes Festival.

The 14 programs are arranged to
follow the drama course lectures,
but those enrolled will discover that
there is a geographical order, which
is especially obvious when the
Sunday Union series is studied. In
the month of October, one could
see films by such French masters as
Renoir, Rene Clement, Goddard,
and Resnais.