University of Virginia Library

Another Story

The faculty is another story
altogether. Whereas a few students
who are dedicated can get results
by all the necessary research and so
forth and then exerting the
required pressure through Student
Council, or directly into the
Administration, no amount of hard
work by individual faculty
members ever seems to result in
meaningful gains, unless the entire
body is willing to act.

The dynamics of a faculty
meeting are a story unto itself, but
suffice it to say that as rarely as
there are more than one-third of
the members at a faculty meeting,
it is even rarer when meaningful
discussion occurs. The beginning of
the agenda is always full of material
for quick action, but somehow it
gets to be close to six and then
everyone knows that adjournment
is near so why bother with the
"tough" questions. If forced to
name the single-most damaging
aspect of the faculty's behavior
here one must conclude that it is
their failure to deal with major
problems of the University and
their almost complete acquiescence
to the administration. All members
of the faculty by no means fall into
the category of the uninterested,
but a quick glance at the College
crew will shortly convince the most
disbelieving individual of the
essential truth of the indictment.

I still think that the new year is
a pleasurable time but in many
respects it is the most frustrating.
You try and be optimistic, hoping
that changes will occur, that
adjustments will be made, but you
know deep down that you are being
unrealistic, barring a miracle or
some other divine intervention.