University of Virginia Library


The legal situation was complex.
The police set up tables at one end
of the floor to process prisoners.
Part of the processing included
being Fingerprinted and
photographed for FBI files. Many
prisoners, illegally arrested and
innocent of any crime, objected to
having to go through this. Judge
Greene ruled that any unprocessed
prisoners had to be released at 8
p.m. on Tuesday, so many wanted
to wait until then, and refused to
go through the process. That time
was delayed until 7 a.m.
Wednesday, and gradually the
group in the Coliseum which had
begun at several thousand shrank,
until there were only about 400 left
when a judge ordered them released
Wednesday afternoon. Although
the 400 face no charges (as I do,
having left at 2 p.m. Tuesday,
paying $10 bail), they were still
fingerprinted and photographed for
the FBI.