University of Virginia Library

Singers In Concert

The University Singers, under
the direction of Donald Loach, will
present a varied program of choral
masterpieces tonight. The concert
in Cabell Hall Auditorium will
begin at 8:15.

One of the two works that will
dominate the program is the
Baroque oratorio "Jephthah."
Composed by the Italian Giacomo
Carissimi, the 17th-century work
relates the story of the Old
Testament leader who had to sacrifice
his daughter to God.

Soloists include "Sara Fishback
and Don Woodman. John Roberts
will sing the role of Jephthah, and
JoAnn Hunt will portray the

The other major work of the
evening is Francis Poulene's
"Mass." Composed for
unaccompanied voices, the "Mass
displays the French fondness in the
1930's for sonorities that are
sometimes sweet and sometimes