University of Virginia Library

Volunteer Or Else

Dear Sir:

As a Selective Service Board
chairman, who has sent hundreds of
young men to fight for their
country, I believe I am qualified to
speak about the draft.

Every year many fine young
Americans volunteer to serve in the
Armed Services and protect the
country from its enemies. Most find
the army a rewarding experience
and even those who are killed and
maimed, I am sure, do not regret
their service.

I personally wish to see an end
to the draft. It should not be
necessary to use conscription to
raise an army. Rather, I would like
to see every able bodied young man
volunteer for service thus making
conscription unnecessary. But the
fact remains that those who don't
volunteer, for service should be
drafted. Furthermore any young
man who not only refuses to
volunteer, but tries to evade
induction, should be tried for
treason and taken out and shot!

The voice of America cries out
"What have you done for me lately,
young man? Do not let that voice
go unheeded.

Knollin B. Cox
Chairman, SS Board
No. 20, For N.J.