University of Virginia Library

Will Pay

Dear Sir:

In response to your reply to Mr.
Schmidt's letter in the March 23rd
edition refunding The Cavalier
Daily by student activity fees, I feel
that the $3.60 a year for The
Cavalier Daily could be eliminated
without affecting the other
subsidies listed. I also fail to see
your reasoning that the expenses
would "rise fantastically".

You feel that subscriptions
would drop off drastically, however
I believe that The Cavalier Daily
would retain it's present circulation
because all students and alumni,
realizing the Cavalier Daily's worth,
will gladly pay the $3.60 and

I feel that there would be no
need to hire a circulation staff
because The Cavalier Daily could
still use the wooden racks located
around the University, as the Honor
System will insure that no students
that did not happen to pay for a
subscription will not pick up a
copy. Perhaps a similar application
to The Virginia Weekly might be in

Frank Scheer
College 3