University of Virginia Library

Spirit Of Excellence

A good college paper, then, is
founded upon the same spirit as a
good college football team: by the
desire to win, to excel. Everything
else is directed to that end; and
nothing gets in its way.

Too many college papers,
though, are places for fun-seekers
to do their simple thing — to write
their story, their way, to "have fun
with this." The driving concern
with excellence — with doing it
right instead of wrong — is absent.
In journalism, in any craft, is there
of course a right and a wrong; but
too often the rules are not
respected; sometimes they are not
even known — or actually denied.

Too often even the mood, the
attitude is wrong. Instead of a
craftsmanly humility, there is
arrogance; instead of energy, sloth;
instead of a desire to do right work
well, a desire only to do something
in an easy, imperfect and inferior