University of Virginia Library

Eliminate Car Lots

There would have to be
exceptions to the prohibition. Food
Services, Buildings and Grounds,
students or faculty with physical
problems, visitors, emergencies and
so forth. But the end result would
be beautiful — no ugly car lots
destroying the aesthetic character
of the University; no parking
problems for students, faculty or
staff; increased ability when using a
car to move about, a result
particularly appealing to the
Charlottesville governing bodies;
and a rejuvenation of physical
exercise, as surely most students
would walk for five minutes to get
to class as opposed to driving out to
University Hall in order to take the

New York City has already been
experimenting with prohibitions
against automobiles in business
sections of the City with great
success. The people seem more at
case, peaceful, and happy. The City

in turn acquires a large measure of
life, active and energetic, while at
the same time loses the discordant,
upsetting hassle of traffic jams,
pollution, horns and whatever other
liabilities follow the auto.