University of Virginia Library


"Cougar Country" is
probably the first movie to
anti-advertise on a large scale. Its
creators proclaim it to be a movie
anyone can see and understand;
they attack the recent trend of
promiscuity and exhibit patriotism.
"America the Beautiful" resounds
in the theatre as the picture zooms
in on beautiful scenery and people
of all walks of life, all races on
earth. How refreshing!

One could additionally
interpret the film as a lesson in
ecology, since man is viewed as a
lazy destroyer of nature. But being
a "Rainbow Adventure," a certain
amount of escapism creeps in, since
there is a lack of the world's
"realities"-sex, symbolism, and
people. This kind of escapism is
unusual for a film nowadays, and is
exhibited well in this one. The
scenery is beautiful, the animals are
very much alive and charming,
however incredible.

The story centers around a big
actor named Whiskers and his
"friends." His quest for food, the
game between the hunter and the
hunted, comprises the plot, and
that's reading a lot into it!
Seriously, however, it is a nice,
family picture - one you can take
your parents to-or children, as the
case may be.