University of Virginia Library


The City of Charlottesville,
more particularly its Planning
Commission, is faced with one of
those "progress" type decisions at
its meeting tonight. A proposal is
before it at the request of Charles
Hurt and the Virginia Land
Company to turn the property
across from Cabell Hall on
Jefferson Park Avenue into another
"Corner." The Virginia Land
Company, which owns a great deal
of land in the City and County and
has support from many of the most
individuals in this area,
proposes to build "parking, motel,
restaurant, offices, shops, and

In order to do this they must
obtain a change in the zoning from
a residential classification, which at
most would allow eight-story
apartments or dorms, to the B-1
classification, a general business
one. At this point, both the
Student Council and the local
residents have indicated their
opposition to the plan.