University of Virginia Library

Fear And Immaturity

As a group they find the University
academically stimulating and
demanding. However, on the social
side the consensus is the their male
classmates are reacting to them
with fear and immaturity.

Just one example, the last two
seats to be filled in a class are most
often the ones to either side of a
girl. Kooties maybe. "I or a girl to
meet the boys in her class she must
be the forward one," reports one
attractive third year girl. "You usually
have to be the one to sit next
to a boy and you have to be the
one to initiate the conversation.
Once you've stated talking he's
usually pretty friendly."

One transfer girl commented: "I
haven't met one aggressive guy
here." Then quickly corrected herself:
"Of course once you're on the
date he's aggressive." Another coed
offered the opinion that "a guy is
scared to date a girl here because
he'll have to see you every day." A
spot check reveals that a majority
of the transfer coeds' dates have
been blind ones arranged by
friends; very few have dated boys in
their classes.