University of Virginia Library


It is rather paradoxical that
Robert Kennedy and his cousin,
Robert Shriver, should have been
arrested for possession of marijuana
when their getting away with
destructive pranks has always been
common knowledge in
Hyannisport. Somehow, in the case
of drugs, their names did them as
little good as the seeming
impermeability of Hyannisport.

Whenever a Kennedy does
anything it is always in the news.
You've probably seen pictures of
them at the opera, Rose in her new
Dior original, etc., ad nauseam.
Even when a Kennedy has a minor
injury you'll hear about it. And so,
early this summer, it was publicized
that Robert Kennedy, Jr. broke his
arm, having fallen out of a tree
attempting to catch a pet falcon.

This allegedly was not true, and
if you had been doing what he
actually had been doing you would
have made up a ridiculous story
too. Young Mr. Kennedy had been
smoking marijuana and decided to
climb a tree while stoned.
Unfortunately, his Kennedy gift for
athletics was not superior to the
quality of the marijuana, and his
agility was clearly lacking.

Robert Kennedy fell out of the
tree, but not too stoned to realize
that he had better go to the
hospital, he telephoned a cab to
come to his home to take him
there, there being no one else at