University of Virginia Library

Parietal Hours

Dear Sir:

Representatives from the First
Year Council, the Student Council,
and the Senior Counselors talked
with Dean Williams last week about
First year parietals. We argued for
them on three counts.

First of all the First Year
Council and the counselors found it
extremely difficult to enforce the
rule that was handed to us by the
Administration. Last November it
was made clear that we would not
be granted completely open hours.
On that basis we asked for the
weekend hours, because we see no
reason why visitation restrictions
should not be removed.

This brings us to the second
point. At one time the University
had a responsibility in legislating
morality among its students.
Whether it has that responsibility or
not is immaterial. The University
can no longer use that as an
argument for restriction of visitation.

Finally, we are in contention
with the structure that does not
allow the First Year Council to
establish its own social regulations.
The Alderman Council has this
power, and the First Year Council
has become strong enough to
assume this responsibility.

Based on these arguments, the
First Year Council, Student Council
and The Executive Committee of
Counselors have filed a request for
24 hour, seven days-a-week visitation
rules. It is hoped that President
Shannon and Dean Williams will
effect the necessary change immediately
after Spring Break.

Beat Steiner, President
First-Year Council