University of Virginia Library

Planning A Trip

The play is about a Jewish
couple, probably in their sixties,
planning a trip to Europe, That's it.
That's all there is to the play. She is
a stereotyped Jewish mother -
extremely kind, solicitous, protective,
a bit scatter-brained - and
he is a stereotyped Jewish father
grumbling, complaining, but, underneath
the hard shell, loving. You've
seen them several times before. It
should also be noted that they have
a son and female travel agent, both
in their twenties.

By this time, you should have
guessed everything which happens
in "Paris Is Out!" We immediately
know the father will become
temperamental and call off the trip,
then the mother will act stubborn
and call off the trip, then they'll
leave on schedule. And, of course,
there has to be some half-baked
romance between the son and the
travel agent: