University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

"For here we are not afraid to follow
truth wherever it may lead...." - T.

The recent resignations of two prominent
professors calls into serious question
this University's commitment to the ideal
echoed above. In both cases grave doubts
are cast on various members of the
University community with regard to their
belief in full academic freedom.

The seriousness of this issue cannot be
overestimated. Mr. England pulls no
punches when he states "if my case becomes
a trend, it will destroy the University." And,
indeed, it will. Academic communities have
always held and cherished a deep-seeded
belief in free inquiry and non-interference.
of others' political views; an atmosphere, in
fact, where rational dissent is welcomed
One seriously questions, in light of recent
developments, whether such an atmosphere
exists at Virginia.

The students and faculty of this
University have a responsibility to themselves
and to the ideals they have so often
espoused. That responsibility impels them
to strongly condemn the practices which
have resulted in these resignations and to
take immediate steps to insure against any
reoccurrence of such unfortunate circumstances.
For it is the students and faculty
which are threatened by the present
situation; it is they who have the most to

Donald Fleek
Arch. 3