University of Virginia Library

Prism Solicits
New Performers

Paul Decker, a well known
Tidewater folk performer, will
return to the Prism Coffeehouse
tonight to provide a weekend of
fine entertainment. This will be
Decker's third appearance at the

Decker is the manager of Norfolk's
Folk Ghetto, considered one
of the best coffeehouses in the
state. He has been performing for
several years, mostly in a contemporary
and traditional vein. He
is especially noted for his fine vocal

The Prism has initiated a new
format for its Wednesday night
activities. Officially termed "Basket
House Night," this procedure leaves
open the stage for any person
desiring to perform. There are also
open Jam session in which anyone
is allowed to participate.

Through this format the Coffeehouse
hopes to attract people
interested in playing and listening to
a variety of music including folk,
jazz, blues and classical. The arrangements
are open and informal
to encourage performers to exchange
ideas, songs and techniques;
in addition to giving aspiring
performers experience in public

In early May the Prism hopes to
sponsor another outdoor concert as
a followup to the successful Fall
concert that took place in McIntire
Amphitheatre. The Coffeehouse
is anxious to include as many
University performers who are
interested as possible. With a large
number of new performers appearing
the concert should feature a
fresh variety of faces and styles of

Any person interested in either
organizing or performing in this
concert is strongly urged to contact
a member of the Coffeehouse
Steering Committee. The Committee
meets Tuesday nights at the
Prism and meetings are always open
to the public, beginning at 9:00.

Those interested in performing
at either the Prism or in the concert
can come Wednesday night or on
the weekend and speak to the
manager, or contact Bob Crawford
at 293-3386.