University of Virginia Library

Voting Law

Dear Sir:

I recently signed the petition for
giving the vote to 18-year olds, and
would do it again willingly, since I
think the great majority of people
of that age are just as capable these
days as many of their elders.

However, if I were introducing
the voting law, I would qualify it in
the following manner:

(1) All high school graduates
should be allowed to register and
vote upon receipt of their diploma.

(2) All members, on active duty,
of the Armed Forces should be
allowed to register and vote upon
completion of at least six months
of active service.

(3) All citizens not included in
the above two categories should not
register or be allowed to vote until
the age of 21.

I think the above is what most
of the young people are trying to
get. It would qualify all college
students, most servicemen and
veterans, and would leave out a
majority of young "drifters" or
those without the intelligence or
will to obtain a high school education.
I think the above, if the
lawmakers would see fit to pass it,
would be the answer to most of the
petitioner's wishes. It would make
some eligible to vote at 17, but it
would assure a brighter and more
capable electorate.

Dan Richards
Sports Dept.
The Daily Progress