University of Virginia Library

Fraternity Plans

Dear Sir:

In order to avoid any misunderstanding
as to the goal of the IFC's
Committee on the Future of Fraternities,
I would like to clarify a
remark made in your article yesterday
to the effect that "one likely
result (of the study) will be the
consolidation of several houses in
one large building."

One of the proposed plans in
1964 utilized the concept of a
complex of buildings connected by
shared facilities, such as dining
areas. The intentions of the models
and drawings made at that time was
merely to provide suggestions and
ideas. In no way did the Long
Range Planning Committee intend
to limit the freedom of individual
houses to select their own designs.

None of the 1964 plans have
been adopted. Rather, those fraternities
which have relocated have
purchased existing structures in the
Rugby Road-Grady Avenue area.

The intention of the present
committee is to provide a coherent
plan for the relocation of several
fraternities in facilities which meet
radically changed requirements for
student housing. It is hoped that
the fraternities will continue to
offer housing for their members
which meets a complexity of
human needs to a greater degree
than do University dormitories.

It is impossible at this time to
predict likely outcomes of the
study. In all probability there will
be no single plan but rather several
suggestions meeting different requirements
under situations such as
coeducation, changed University
residence requirements, continued
expansion of fraternity membership,
changed requirements of the
University for land, etc.

The committee would like to
take this opportunity to invite any
member of the University community
interested in working with
it or in offering suggestions to
contact it at Box IIIX, Newcomb
Hall Station.

William L. Montague, Jr.