![]() | The Cavalier daily. Monday, October 14, 1968 | ![]() |
U. VA. SAILING Assn., at 7:30
p.m., Room 4A, Newcomb Hall.
Regattas and resources to be
discussed. Members and interested
parties are urged to attend.
DELTA SIGMA PI, professional
business fraternity, invites all
commerce and economics majors to
rush 7:30-9 p.m., Chi Phi House
Staff: All right you guys — gala
meeting at 7 p.m. Attendance
necessary. If you cannot attend,
call F. O. Blechman, 296-2986.
ATTENTION basketball
managers: There will be an
important meeting for all those
interested in managing Varsity and
first-year basketball in Upstairs
Lobby of Memorial Gym at 7 p.m.
of the University's Institute of
Advanced Studies will present the
first History Dept. Special Lectures
at 8 p.m. in South Meeting Room,
Newcomb Hall. Public is invited.
THERE WILL BE an important
IFC meeting at 7 p.m. in the
Ballroom. It is mandatory that all
house presidents as well as IFC
representatives be present, or
fraternities will be fined. There will
be a Governing Board meeting
proceeding the IFC meeting at 6:30
p.m. in IFC Office.
BAD CHECK Committee
meeting at 8 p.m., Student Council
THERE WILL BE a meeting of
the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers in the A&M
Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Mr. R.
Washburn of DuPont will talk on
plastics. All engineers welcome.
rushees and encouraged to report
rush offenses to the men below,
since these violations are
detrimental to the entire fraternity
system. Wayne Cardon, Chairman,
at 293-2496 or 293-4988; Al
Vormoire at 296-8661 or 295-9009;
Eddie Underwood at 293-2797 or
293-4901: David Broyles at
293-2947 or 293-6902; Ken Oder
at 295-4857 or 293-6268.
organizations will have their
pictures taken for the Corks &
Curls on Monday, Oct. 14. Please
be prompt! 4 p.m.: Jefferson
Society, garden behind the
Colonnade Club. 4:30 p.m.: The
Cavalier Daily staff, on Monroe
Hill, in front of the white house. 5
p.m.: Corks and Curls staff, on the
front steps of the Rotunda.
![]() | The Cavalier daily. Monday, October 14, 1968 | ![]() |