University of Virginia Library

By Henry J. Taylor

Program To Destroy The U.S.

The Daily

A program for the
of the United States:

(1) the preachment
of rights instead of individual
responsibility. Preach the
sick sentimentality that condom
criminality as society's fault and
dismisses the individual from responsibility.

(2) Go easy on anarchy.

(3) Glorify cowardly as intellectualism
and appeasement as enlightenment.
Steal the liberal label
and falsify the contents of the

(4) Sneer at patriotism. That
the youth to shun the battlefield.
"Be a lover—not a fighter." And
if the enemy is a fighter, not a
lover Dr. Martin Luther King repeatedly
stated: "The Vietnam
War must be stopped and one
way is to have 'peace rallies' like
we have freedom rallies.' " But
would Ho Chi Minh allow those
parades in the place that is holding
up the peace—Hanoi?

(5) Claim the aggressor can be
bought off. The Carthaginians gave
their sons and daughters to the Roman
aggressor to prove and guard
Carthage's non aggressive intent.
History means nothing?

(6) Do not require American
history. Two-thirds of our institutions
of higher learning fail to require-require-students
to study
American history. One out of
four of our teachers' colleges do
not require any course in it; more
than half do not require any preliminary
knowledge of it. Yet good
citizenship and progress in American
ideals are admittedly impossible
without an appreciation of
our unique American heritage and
the great sacrifices it took to establish
and preserve them.

(7) Breed distrust of the military;
belittle the men who have
advanced in this responsible career.
Make them seen ignoble and lie
about their democratic purposes
long enough, and the military establishment
on which a nation's
security must depend becomes only
a hollow shell, incompetent for a
country's defense.

(8) Be patient with hippies
who disrupt the universities and
other established institutions. Let
their protests take the form of
sit-ins, lie-ins, flag-burning, draft-card
burnings and mayhem along
with missiles and stink bombs. The
first business of good government
is to provide safety for its citizens.
Droy this.

(9) home to the -
lation than and lack
of opportunity account for
are "" -
and personal
application . The of
American population from
about 50 to 180. The
dropout rate of college
reflecting both and -
lure to apply one's self,
50 per cent.

(10) Teach all "underdog-
ed" that somebody else owes them
a living. Preach this long enough
and it is sure to create a "march
of the poor" on the nation's
capital, government by city-burning,
government by blackmail. It
is also sure to create a great many
loafers who wouldn't do a day's
real work under any conditions
whatever. In just New York City,
during history's biggest boom,
816,699 people (as of February
1968) are drawing relief, some for
the second and third generations.

(11) Emphasize the "curing of
poverty as the cure for civil disorders.
The report of the President's
National Advisory Commission
on Civil Disorders found
that the average rioter did hold
a job and was better educated
than his non rioting neighbors. It
completely demolished many of the
usual contentions regarding the
"causes" of the looting and disorders.

(12) Sponsor unlimited government
spending. Said Lenin: "The
surest way to destruction is to
debauch the currency."

(13) Preach "permissiveness." If
"anything goes" then, of course,
everything goes. Every internal and
external enemy knows the advantages
of destroying a nation's standards.
The rewards are as old as the
Trojan horse. See that the TV,
and -
the -
the .
the in
the don't very .

(14) the
-- -
work a as

(15) the churches into
. See that the churches grad-
their influence as a
power, and as a
force, having ministers
and church leaders make the historic
mistake of using the church
itself as a political ever.

(16) Manipulate the news.