University of Virginia Library

Medical School
Picks Officers
This Monday

Candidates for the Mulholland
Society, the student government
of the Medical School, have
been announced for the upcoming
elections this Monday.

Two second-year medical students,
Rick Green, and Cap
Easterly, will compete for president.
Jim Sipes, a second-year
man, Bill Talman, also a second-year
man, and Dick Sollenberg,
a first-year man, are the
candidates for the vice-presidency,
while Cathy Thomson,
second-year, and Dick Corbin,
third-year man, are running for
secretary-treasurer. Historian
position is being sought by Tom
Berenguer, third-year, and Marjorie
Hollister, first-year.

Also on the ballot, an amendment
to their constitution will
appear for the student vote.
Proposed by the Mulholland
Council, the amendment would
change elections from April to
January each year.