University of Virginia Library

Who To Hate . . .

College newspapers must be seen by many
as a bottomless pit into which propaganda
can be indiscriminately dumped. The Cavalier
Daily is no exception-this year we
receive regularly news releases from Red
China, photos of new Volkswagens, copies
of the Cuban Communist newspaper, posters
and propaganda from the International
Union of Students, and speeches on any
topic given by Air Force officers.

The most recent package of goodies comes
from Indiana and H. E. Stearley, who sent
no less than five pieces of information in
a small envelope, bulging at the seams with
hate. Mr. Stearley advised us "to read
and pass on" a story on George Wallace,
which was an excerpt from the Paul Harvey
News. But the news story was not content
to just endorse Mr. Wallace for President
because "of utter failure of the 'free
press' to tell the truth." The Liberty
Lobby claims to be "free from control of
any economic or racial interest while representing
responsible principles of government."

Take a look, however, at what it supports:

In an expose of the Federal Reserve
Act, the Lobby calls the act the world's
"most evil monster masquerading as the
Federal Banking System.

"These lying, robbing, murdering and
Christianity-killing International Bankers
are the same historic money changers who
have been the secret trouble makers for
Christians all over the world through all
recorded history, and when we really
sensible, bold and patriotic Christians now
justifiably take back our own money all
the biggest evils of the whole world will
quickly wither on the vine and die forever,
including Communism, United Nations,"
ad nauseam. When "Uncle Sap Santa
Claus-ism" disappears "our Christian
American Constitutional Republic!" will be

Mr. Stearley's packet also included the
Rhodesian Commentary with some stirring
articles on the soundness of the Rhodesian
economy. What is especially delightful are
some paternalistic pictures of Africans learning
how to swim, to cook and catch fish.

Another newspaper, "Common Sense,"
which claims to be a leader in the nation's
fight against communism, has even more
sick humor.

The paper starts off with this little ditty:
Suppose the grocery shops would issue
green stamps which the public can redeem
only for chickens. Now, if the stores stop
redeeming the stamps, what would become
worthless-the chickens or the stamps? And
then graduates to short histories of Mayer
A. Rothschild, Bernard M. Baruch, Paul
Warburg, Jacob H. Schiff and Harry Dexter
White-each name with a Star of David
printed behind it.

We stand squarely behind freedom of
expression in this country, but our conviction
is strained somewhat by groups
like the Liberty Lobby. Their publications
are none the less valuable, however, in
showing the mentality behind much of the
racism and antisemitism in the country
today. If George Wallace wants to be a
serious candidate for President, he would
do well to disavow this kind of support.