University of Virginia Library

Three Areas

Specific objections to the route are divided into
three general areas. The first of these deals with
Copeley Hill, Emmet Street, and Lambeth Field.
As it stands now, the route would interfere directly
with the development of new law and graduate
business school facilities.

It will occupy a portion of recently completed
playing fields and parking areas east of University
Hall, and the underdeveloped area north
of Massie Road, once considered as suitable for
fraternity house sites.

The route would also create a pedestrian hazard
in the vicinity of the married student dorms and
would mean the destruction of one and possibly
two of these dorms. It will require the demolition
of the Executive Plaza, the Gridiron Restaurant,
Lupo's, and units G and H of University Gardens.

Rugby Road, 17th Street, and 16th Street is
the next area examined. The Gordon-Grady
diagonal in this area would require the removal of
three fraternity houses, two rooming houses and
five other dwellings.

A tremendous problem for pedestrian safety
will be created in this area; the nine fraternities
"isolated" to the north of the route will generate
perhaps 900 pedestrian crossings per day themselves.
There is danger that property values will
be reduced along with general neighborhood