University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Advice On Vietnam Given

Dear Sir:

In a letter to the editor Michael
Scott refuted my statement on
Laos. I am extremely pleased that
Mr. Scott is so well read and has
first hand information (not to mention
access to numerous State Department
personnel). Perhaps he
can answer some questions concerning
Viet Nam.

1. Why during the years 1960,
1962, 1963, 1964, and 1965 did
the Viet Gong kill 8,883 civilians
and kidnap another 39.282
civilians? (A year by year breakdown
of the killings and kidnappings
can be found in "The United
States in Vietnam" by Kahin and

2. If the other nations of the
world are so appalled with our
stand in Viet Nam then why have
some thirty nations—including
Asian ones—come to the aid of
South Viet Nam? (See: "Why
Viet Nam" by Frank N. Trager)

3. If Viet Nam is so relatively
isolated and unimportant then why
does Richard Goodwin in his book
" or
on Viet Nam" state that "we are
as close to As in terms of swift
and effective action, as we were to
Europe in the Second World War."

Dana McGuinness
Engineering 2

Milk Solution

Dear Sir:

In answer to the letter from
Lower Lefevre concerning the
changing of the name of the fraternity
smokers to fraternity
"drinkers," we feel that the present
terminology is both sufficient
and appropriate. We are certain
the fraternities will not mind the
objectors' bringing a flask of fresh
milk to their social functions.

Upper Metcalf