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The President called the Board's attention to the resolution adopted on 10 June 1955
(Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia, No. 11, 10 June 1955, pp. 423-424)
establishing a retirement policy for the University at Charlottesville. He explained that the
1955 resolution was out of date because of changes in the titles of certain positions since 1955.
He believed that the time was now appropriate for re-adopting the resolution in order to bring it
up to date

Accordingly, the President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1962, the age of 70 be and it is hereby prescribed as the mandatory
retirement age for members of the faculty of the University at Charlottesville, that, upon the
initiative either of the President or of the professor concerned, any professor aged 65 or over
may be retired or may have his teaching load, and proportionately his compensation, reduced to
an amount that is appropriate in each particular case,

RESOLVED further that the age of 65 be and it is hereby fixed as the retirement age for the
President, the Comptroller, and other administrative officers, and that deans and chairmen of
departments be retired at age 65 from their administrative positions even though their teaching
duties may continue either in whole or in part, and

RESOLVED further that the University's retirement policy as set forth in this resolution shall
be presented to future employees of the University at the time of election or appointment and
accepted by them as a condition of employment