University of Virginia Library



The Board resolved that its next meeting, which would normally fall on the second Saturday
in February, be held on Saturday, February 4th at the President's Office


Dr. Howard having reported to the Board, during a discussion of current developments at the
College, that Dr. Grellet C. Simpson would be in Charlottesville on the evening of Friday,
February 3rd to attend a meeting of the Visitors' Committee on Mary Washington College, it was
resolved by the Board that Dr. Simpson be invited to attend the meeting of the Board on February


President Darden announced to the Board the death on 25 October 1955 of Dr. Morgan Lafayette
Combs, who was President of Mary Washington College from 1929 until April 1955, and has been
since that date a staff member of the College on leave. There were expressions from the Board of
regret for Dr. Combs' death and for the long illness that preceded it, of appreciation for Dr.
Combs' devotion to the College and for his notable services in building up its strength during all
the years of its attachment to the University prior to his own ill health. The Secretary was
directed to record these expressions in the permanent minutes and to convey to Mrs. Combs the
sympathy of the Visitors


President Darden spoke of the heavy expenses borne by Mrs. Combs during the many months of
Dr. Combs' illness, and recommended approval of a request from her that the salary granted on
8 April 1955 to Dr. Combs from private funds of the University be paid to her

The Board resolved that the unpaid balance of the year's salary of $9,400 appropriated for
payment to Dr. Morgan L. Combs by the Board on 8 April 1955 from private funds of the University
be paid to Mrs. Combs.


The Rector laid before the Board a copy of resolutions in memory of Morgan L. Combs adopted
by the Fredericksburg Chapter of the Alumnae Association.


President Darden presented a recommendation by the Dean of Medicine, concurred in by the
Dean of Mary Washington College and approved by the Comptroller of the University, that the
tuition fee for the course in Medical Technology be reduced from the present schedule of $210.00
to $100.00

Following a discussion of the matter the Board resolved accordingly that the tuition fee
for Medical Technology be reduced to $100.00 for all students


President Darden again brought to the attention of the Board the matter of release by The
Rector and Visitors of the residential restriction on property at the Southeast corner of William
Street and College Avenue in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He reminded the Board that it had considered
the matter at its meeting held on April 8, 1955. At that time the Board had before it a
letter from Mr. Swart, Recorder of the Vestry of Trinity Church, Fredericksburg, dated March 31,
1955, requesting release from the residential restriction on said property which the Vestry desired
to purchase as the site for the proposed new church, and letter from Mr. Edgar E. Woodward,
Bursar of Mary Washington College, dated April 2, 1955, recommending the requested waiver. The
Board adopted a resolution on April 8th, 1955, that the waiver be granted, subject to review by
the University's Attorney, provided that the release of restrictions should apply "to church
construction and to no other kind."

It now transpires, the President stated, that the property in question is being purchased
by The Trustees of the Diocesan Missionary Society of Virginia, a Virginia corporation, for the
purpose of erecting a church, student center for young ladies of Mary Washington College, a
parish house, and probably as the Diocesan Headquarters of the Episcopal Church. Under these
circumstances, it was thought by Counsel for The Trustees of the Diocesan Missionary Society that
the resolution of the Board adopted April 8, 1955, confining the release of restriction "to church
construction and to no other kind" was not broad enough to authorize the erection of a student
center, parish house and headquarters for the Diocesan Missionary Society. The President then
presented to the Board a letter from William K. Goolrick to Mr. C. Venable Minor, Special Counsel
for the University, dated October 29, 1955, requesting that the release of restrictions should
apply to "Church, Religious or Educational purposes and to no other kind." Mr. Darden also presented
to the Board a copy of the proposed deed from The Rector and Visitors to the Trustees of the
Diocesan Missionary Society of Virginia releasing the property in question from the residential


restrictions thereon insofar as it affects the use of said tract or parcel of land for Church,
Religious or Educational purposes and to no other kind

After discussion and careful consideration, upon motion duly seconded, it was,

RESOLVED that The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, as owner of certain property
in the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia, acquired from Frank H. Reichel and wife, by deed dated
August 30, 1946, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Fredericksburg
in D.B. 82 p. 340, release from the residential restrictions applicable thereto, certain property at
the southeast corner of William Street and College Avenue in Fredericksburg, Virginia, sold by The
Fredericksburg Aquaduct Company, Incorporated to The Trustees of the Diocesan Missionary Society of
Virginia, insofar as it affects the use of the above described tract or parcel of land for Church,
Religious or Educational purposes and to no other kind,

RESOLVED FURTHER, that, Colgate W. Darden, Jr., President, be and he is hereby authorized and
empowered to execute such release in the form as presented to this meeting, in the name and on
behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and that Francis L. Berkeley, Jr.,
Secretary, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to affix the seal of the corporation to said
release and to attest the same