University of Virginia Library


The President presented a letter which he had received from the Memphis Alumni Association.

Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
President of the University,
My dear Mr. President:

At a meeting of the Memphis Chapter of the University of Virginia Alumni Association, the
action of the Visitors in undertaking to codify and set up specific rules to regulate the gentlemanly
behavior of the Student Body was considered.

I, as the President, was directed to address this communication to the Visitors setting forth
the views of the Memphis Chapter unanimously expressed as follows:

I. We feel that it would be unfortunate indeed to take away from the Student Body or
in any way impair the long standing and traditional prerogatives of that Body to establish and to administer
its own code of gentlemanly behavior. We believe that any current difficulties could and will
be righted by the Student Governing Body.

II. We feel keenly the inappropriateness and the damage done to the University by the
publicity given to the resolution of December 9th.

The Memphis Chapter, as one of the largest Chapters in the Country and the Sponsoring Chapter
of more than sixty Memphis Students now at the University is prompted to this action by our pride in
and our devotion to those distinctive attributes which until now have always set the University apart
from and above any other institution of learning.

(signed) Fred C. Lovitt
President Memphis Chapter

The President was asked to reply to this letter, giving some historical background of the case.