University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

The editorial in Wednesday's
CD entitled "Indefensible"
completely missed what may
be the most important fact
about the Watergate crime and
the series of events leading up
to it alleged by the Washington
Post. While the CD denounces
the affair, the sad truth is that
this administration doesn't
need to defend it.

The editorial was written as
though a revelation of these
shoddy and criminal tactics
might objectively alter the
course of the election. But the
American people see the
Watergate crime according to a
view of current events which
does not include corruption
and political espionage. Hence,
they do not exist, and public
reaction to the ITT case, the
grain deal, and the Watergate
bugging is negligible.

At the very most, these
scandals cannot be ignored, but
they never involve high
government officials. And so,
for all the righteous
indignation of the CD, the
outcome will regrettably be the

Michael L. Charters
Graduate 1