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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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 22.1-82 to 22.1-95. 
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expand section36. 

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Page 22.1

Sec. 17. Enactment of ordinances, etc.; punishment for violation;
enjoining violation; appeal to corporation

To carry into effect the powers herein enumerated, and all
other powers conferred upon said city and its council by the
laws of Virginia, said council shall have power to make and
pass all proper and needful orders, by-laws, and ordinances not
contrary to the Constitution and laws of said state, and to prescribe
reasonable fines and penalties, including imprisonment
in the city jail, which fines, penalties or imprisonment shall be
imposed, recovered and enforced by and under the civil and
police justice (judge of the municipal court). The city may
maintain a suit to restrain by injunction, the violation of any
ordinance, notwithstanding such ordinance may provide punishment
for its violation. In all cases where a fine or imprisonment
is imposed by the civil and police justice (judge of the
municipal court), or by the council, the party or parties so fined
or imprisoned shall have the right of appeal to the corporation
court of said city. All fines imposed for the violation of the city
Charter, by-laws, or ordinances, shall be paid into the city
treasury. (1972, c. 184.)

Effect of amendment. — The 1972 amendment deleted a ninety day
limitation on imprisonment and added "(judge of the municipal court)"
following civil and police justice in the second and third sentences.