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1 occurrence of Cutliff
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Prof. Dunnington.

The regular work of this School, constituting a complete course in Practical
Chemistry, is arranged in two divisions, as follows:

I. A regularly-arranged course in Chemical Manipulation is first given.
This is followed by Blowpipe Analysis and Fire Assays of ores of lead, silver
and gold. A systematic course in Inorganic Qualitative Analysis follows


Page 36
with practice in the analysis of mixtures of salts, alloys, ores, and so on,
and in Determinative Mineralogy. Instruction in the elements of Quantitative
Analysis completes this division of the course, which extends over the
first half session.

II. The work of the second division is an extended course of Quantitative
Analysis, both gravimetric and volumetric. The student determines the
composition of ores, minerals, clays, soils, building-stones, manures, technical
products, and so on.

As he advances in the course he is encouraged to undertake original
research and assisted in its prosecution; and in determining his fitness for
graduation, work of this sort is considered as having great weight.

Among the works recommended to laboratory students are: Fresenius's Qualitative and
Quantitative Analysis; Greville Williams's Hand-book of Chemical Manipulation; Woehler's
Examples for Practice in Chemical Analysis; Von Kobell's Tafeln zur Bestimmung der
Mineralien (also in English translation); Odling's Practical Chemistry for Medical Students;
A. Classen's Elementary Quantitative Analysis.

Five lessons are given each week, and the Laboratory is open to students
six days in the week during all the working hours of the day.

Students may matriculate either for the Full Course or for the First Course;
but candidates for graduation are required to complete the Full Course.
Those who accomplish it are prepared for work as Analytical Chemists,
Assayers or Teachers of Chemistry.

In addition to the foregoing the following Special Courses are given in
this School. They are open without additional charge to the regular students
of the School. For fees to others, see page 67.

1. A laboratory course on Determinative Mineralogy for students of
Engineering, embracing Blowpipe Analysis, Determinative Mineralogy, and
the application of chemical processes to the examination of clays, building-stones,
potable waters, and other materials employed in Engineering.

2. A laboratory course of sixteen lessons on the Medical Applications
of Chemistry;
the detection of poisons, the chemical and microscopical
examination of urine and blood, and so on.

3. A laboratory course of twelve lessons in Practical Pharmacy,
including the compounding and dispensing of drugs.

4. A lecture course of twenty-four lessons on Agricultural Chemistry,
including the chemical and physical properties of the atmosphere, of soils
and of plants; the chemistry of the processes of vegetable life; the chemical
composition and preparation of manures, and so on. This course is
open without charge to farmers.

Text-books.—Johnston and Cameron's Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology
(12th edition). For Reference: Johnson's How Crops Grow; Johnson's How Crops Feed;
Lupton's Elementary Principles of Scientific Agriculture