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XX. Shareholders in the Virginia Company from 1615 to 1623 March 6, 1615/16—June 9, 1623
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XX. Shareholders in the Virginia Company from 1615 to 1623
March 6, 1615/16—June 9, 1623

C. O. 1, Vol. II, No. 33
Document in Public Record Office, London
List of Records No. 36











1615  Sha
March 06  A Bill of Advent̃ of 12ɫi 10s to Mr Codrington 
Nouem: 08  Capt Martin allowed in reward  10 
Janua: 08  Mr Raphe Hamor had given him 
Janua: 15  Bills of Adventure allowed to Capt̃ Raphe Hamor and the persons
herevnder named for euery man transported at their charge,
being 16 who were to haue noe Bond vizɫt 
One Bill of 12ɫi 10s for Mr Rob: Sturton. 
One Bill of 25 00 for Mr Christo: Martin. 
One Bill of 12 10 for Mr John Blachall. 
One Bill of 50 00 for Mr Tho: Hamor. 
One Bill of 62 10 for Mr Raphe Hamor. 
One Bill of 25 00 for Mr Wm Tucker. 
One Bill of 12 10 for Mr Elias Roberts. 
Febru: 12  Doctor Chatterton renouncing all Prizes by ye Lott͠ had a Bill of
Adventure of 12ɫi 10s adventured in the Lott͠ 
Mr Stacy renouncing all Prizes in the Lott͠ had a Bill of Adventure
of 12ɫi 10s 
Capt Argoll & his Associats herevnder named allowed seuerall
Bills of Adventure for transport of 24 p̱sons at their charge
One Bill of 25ɫi 00s to Sr Wm Louelace knt 
One Bill of 50 00 to Sr Antho: Aucher knt 
One Bill of 50 00 to Mabell Lady Cullamore. 
One Bill of 50 00 to John Argoll Esquire. 
One Bill of 25 00 to John Tredescant. 
One Bill of 100 00 to Capt Sam: Argoll. 
March 05  Jo: Bargraue allowed  15 
—  Geo: Bargraue  05 
May 21  Mr Doctor Anthony admitted & a bill of Advent̃ sealed for 100ɫi  08 
June 25  A Bill of Advent̃ of 50ɫi sealed to Mr John Haulsey  04 
Julie 30  A Bill of Advent̃ of 43ɫi 15s sealed to Mr Darnelly 
Sept. 24  Mr Berblock admitted 
1617  Sha
Nouem: 19  Mr Edward Woller passed 7 shares to Mr Gabriell Barbor of 12ɫi
10 s. apiece 
Decem: 17  Sr Foulke Grevill admitted. 
Janua: 07  Mr John Tavernor surrendered to Mr David Wiffin a Bill of
Adventure of 37ɫi 10s 
Janua: 14  Mr Regnes to haue a Bill of Ad: of  04 
—  Mr Sidrake Soane surrendred vnto Henry Fotherby one Bill of
Advent̃ of 
Febr: 11  Samuell Tubman allowed  01 
18  Mr Wm Berblock allowed a Bill of Advent̃ of  05 
March 04  A Bill of Adventure graunted to Sr S. Saltingston for  03 
[2] 1618 
May 06  Sr Eustace Hart surrendred vnto Mr Thomas Gibbs a Bill of
Adven: of 25ɫi & for that Mr Gibbs paid in 12ɫi 10s more had
allowed him 
June 10  Sr Nich° Tufton admitted. 
17  Sr Hen: Raynsford allowed a Bill of Advent̃ for  03 
July 22  Mr Rich. Paulson sold to Rob̴t Hudson a Bill of Ad: of 50ɫi  04 
24  Francis Baldwin allowed a Bill of Ad: of 12ɫi 10s  01 
Edward Crosse allowed one Personall share 
Tho Norincott passed to Mr Francis Meverell  03 
Mr Crowe passed to Mr Wm Bolton  05 
Sept. 09  A Bill of Ad: of 12ɫi 10s allowed David Wiffin  01 
16  Mr Dauid Waterhouse passed a Bill of Ad: of 50ɫi to Mr Bland  04 
Nouem: 18  Twenty great Shares giuen Capt Yeardly for transport of 26 per-
Decem. 02  John Pountice admitted & Three Shares given him  03 
Lo: Doncaster admitted 
09  Ea. of Bedd assigned to Sr Edw: Horwood a Bill of Ad: of 50ɫi  04 
23  Mr Edward Lukin renouncing his Prizes in ye Lott͠ is to haue a
Bill of Ad: for 25ɫi 
March 04  Mr Joseph Man assigned to Sr Nath: Rich  03 
17  Mr John Tavernor allowed a Personall Share of 100 Acrs  01 
Sr Wm Smith to Mr Nich° Ferrar  02 
May 28  Giuen vnto Sr Thom̃s Smith for a Gratificac̃on  20 
—  Ea: of Salisbury passed to Capt Brett  02 
June 07  John Hodgson to Fra: Whitner, two shares, wch he passed to Mr
Nich° Ferrar 
John Tavernor to Tho: Sheppard  03 
Martin Earle to Nicholas Buckeridge  01 
To Rich: Boothby  01 
To Dr Tho: Winston  01 
June 07  Doctor Bohune {To Hugh Windham  01 
To John Tucker  01 
To John Strange  01 
Captaine Edward Brewster to Wm Cranmer  01 
14  Rob̴t Browne allowed a Bill of Ad: of 25ɫi to be dedacted out of
ye 500ɫi Ad: of ye Lo: Lawarrs, & for his Personall Ad: 100
24  Wm Shacley to Oliver St John  02 
Mrs Millisent Ramsden to Oliver St John  03 
Novem. 15  Abraham Piersey given him 200 Acrs  02 
17  Mathew Cavill admitted & a Bill of Advent̃ given him  01 
More one share given him  01 
Decem. 15  John Cage Esq̢ {To Dr Theodore Gulston  06 
To Isaak Seaward  03 
Peter Bartle 3 John Payne Gent 1 }To Dr Theodore Gulston  04 
Augustine Steward to Sr Henry Jones  03 
Katharine Clarke wid̴d̴ to Edward Harber Esq̢  01 
23  Elias Roberts for a single share by a Bill deliuered him  01 
Janua: 12  Humfrey Tomkins admitted by Bill of Advent̃  01 
31  John Archer Brother to Capt̃ Gabr̃ Archer admitted for one Share
as heire to his said Brother 
Stephen Sparrowe to John Hope  01 
Feb: 02  Order to ye Governor in Virginia to sett out 400 Acres for Capt̃
Powle and Mr John Smith 
16  Peter Arundell reasigned to Sr Thomas Roe  05 
22  William & Arthur Franke allowed 200 Acres for transport of Foure
John Holloway giuen him  01 
March 02  Ea: of Arundell admitted 
Sr Thomas Gates to Mr Samuell Wrote  05 
Mr Hum: Reynolds to Mr Hum: Slany  05 
15  Sr Thomas Gates to Edward Palavicine  01 
18  Mr Thomas Gibbs to his Two sonnes Edmond & Thomas Gibbs  02 
Capt̃ Bargraue to Rob̴t Briggs  02 
Mr Aliano Lupo admitted for 1 share, & for Three men more wch he
sent 1 ½ 
02 ½ 
Tho: Hodges to Walter Eldred by will  03 
Henry Davies Land allowed to Susan Hamond. 
Aprill 03  Lady Lawarr to Antho: Browne  25 
May 11  Capt̃ Bargraue to Elias Foxton  01 
To Edmond Hackett  02 
To Sr Edw: Lawly  01 
Sr Tho: Gates {To Sr Walter Earle  05 
To Edward Clarke  01 
To Christo: Earle  05 
15  Ea: of Dorsett to Mr Henry Manwairing  10 
To John Thorneburrough  01 
To John Collett Gent̃  01 
Capt̃ Bargraue {To Tho: Collett Gent̃  01 
To Tho: Masterson  01 
To Cap: Law: Masterson  01 
To Augustine Linsell  01 
Thomas Melling to John Cuff  01 
George Persey to Christo: Martine  04 
Thomas Harris to Thomas Combe  01 
17  Wm Barretts Gent̃ to Sr Hen: Crofts  01 
Mr Abraham Cartwright to Mr Chaloner  01 
Sr Wm Cockaine Bishop of London } Admitted 
23  Sr Hen: Manwayring to Sr Edward Sackville  05 
Anthony Irby to Sr Nich° Tufton  02 
31  Sr Tho: Gates. { To Sr Henry Raynsford  03 
To Edward Morgayne  03 
Lady Lawarr to William Waller  01 
To Sr Phillip Carewe  14 
To Mr Francis Chalinor  05 
To Mr Henry Box  03 
To Mr Tho: Vyner  02 
To Mr Wm Swayne  01 
To Mr Arthur Swayne  01 
June 23  Sr Tho: Gates 34 { To Mr Thomas Swayne  01 
To Mr Wm Swayne  01 
To Mr Anthony Biddolph  01 
To Mr Geo: Clarke  01 
To Mr Wm Watson  01 
To Mr Rich: Greenway  01 
To Mr John Lawrence  01 
To Mr Tho: Stubbins  01 
June 23  Mr John Halsey 4 { To Mr Rich: Lambe  01 
To Mr John Lambe  01 
To Mr John Budge  01 
To Mr Tho: Witherall  01 
Capt̃ Bargraue to Mr Phillip Jermine  01 
David Bennett admitted for  03 
Lo: Lawarr to ye Ea: of South[amp]ton  05 
26  Ea: of South̴ton 5 p̱sonall shares { To Mr Tho: Risely  02 
To Mr Porter  01 
To Mr Phillip Gifford  01 
To Wm Smith  01 
Mr Harper to Mr Whitcombe  01 
Sr Fran: Parington { To Wm Pollard  01 
To Hen: Hickford  01 
Hen: Hickford to John Martine  01 
28 Mr James Bagg given him  05 
Sr Ferdinando Weynman allowed vpon Acc° to his daughter for
100li adventured wth ye Lo: Lawarr 
More allowed his said daughter for adventure of his person  04 
Francis Carter to Toby Pallavicine  02 
John Gray to Rich: Baynam  02 
July 18  Ambrose Austine 1} To Doctor Anthony  02 
Joane Danks widd 1 
Edward Kirby a Planter admitted 
Richard Paulson { To Mr Andrewes  01 
To Mr Greene  01 
Nouem: 04  Mr Reynolds admitted & one Bill of Advent̃  01 
13  Mr Delbridge to his sonne  02 
Capt̃ Bruster to Sr Francℯ Wyatt  04 
Thomas Maddocks to Mr Stubbs  02 
Wm Litton esq̢ to Capt̃ Harvy  03 
Nouem. 13  Edward Harrison to Raphe Fogg  05 
Graunted to ye som̃er Ilands Compān 100 Acres to a share, &
3000[85] Acres for publiq̢ Land. 
Dauid Lloyd to Henry Rowland  01 
More one Personall share giuen him  01 
Rich: Moreton admitted for a Personall share  01 
Given to Capt̄ Tucker  15 
Janua: 29  Mr Geo: Sandis to Sr Francis Weyneman  02 
1621  Sr Rich: Bulkly admitted for  02 
Aprill 12  Mr Edward Bennett admitted. 
Lady Berkley admitted for  01 
30  Mr Newland admitted for Fiue shares given him  05 
Mr John Bonnall admitted for Two shares given him  02 
Tho: Colby allowed one Bill of Ad: of 12li 10s & one p̱sonall share
due to his Brother Edmond Colby deceased 
To Sr Hen: Rainsford 
To Mr Craddock  01 
Francis Carter 5 { To Mr Palmer  01 
To Mr John Hart  01 
Lott Peere to Mr Barbor  02 
Mr Downes to Mr John Smith  03 
May 2  Sr Edwin Sandis given him  20 
June 13  Mr Edmond Hackliut to John Moore  02 
Ambrose Wood as heire to his brother Tho: Wood deceased  04 
More for the adventure of his Person  01 
Joice Lodge allowed 1 share & 50 Acres for a Personall share  01 ½ 
July 10  Given to Capt̃ Maddison  02 
Mrs Newport  35 
Thomas Webb allowed him  03 
24  Mr Anthony Withers admitted. 
Francis Carter-2 To Rowland Truloue  01 
To Tobias Cooper  01 
Octob. 24  Mr Patrick Copland admitted & 3 shares given him  03 
30  1000 Acres allotted to a Schoole. 
Anthony Gosnold  03 
Anthony Gosnold { To Rob̴t Gosnold  01 
To Roger Castle  01 
To Charles Cratford esq̢  04 
Nouem: 14  Mr Churchill Moone { To Richard Chetle esq̢  02 
To Wm Wheat esq̢  02 
To Robert Chetonly gent̃  01 
Francis Carter { To James Woodcott  01 
To Geo: Butler Clarke  01 
Nouem: 14  To Isaack Gold  01 
Francis Carter { To John Kirby  01 
To Tho: Wilson  01 
To Geo: Cornish  01 






1621  Sha: 
21  Mr Waterhouse given him Two shares  02 
Decem: 19  Francis Carter {To Rob̴t Hall  02 
To Rich: Delbridge  01 
Janua: 28  Mr Balmford given him  02 
Mr Evans to Thom̃s Newton  02 
Febru: 13  Sr John Wolstenholme to John Harrison  03 
Sr Edmond Harwell to Mr Francis Harwell  03 
Mr John Clarke admitted & given him  02 
Francis Carter {To Francis Goodwine  02 
To Oliuer Mordon  01 
Mr Tho: Bulkly in ye right of Sr Rich. Bulkly  02 
Mrs Elizabeth Barkly allowed 5½ shares of 12li 10s p̱ shares  05½ 
27  Hildebrand Pruson to Tho: Pemble  01 
Edward Faucett to Mr Nicho Ferrar  03 
Mr Scott to Mr Patrick Copland  03 
March 13  Capt̃ Tho: Each admitted, & giuen him  05 
Joane Read allowed her 100 acres due to her father deceased  01 
Francis Carter to Phillip Wood  01 
Francis Carter of Mr Hamors to Tho: Melling  06 
Capt̃ Hamor to Henry Hutchinson  02 
20  John Dennis admitted. 
27  Sr Antho: Pell & his Lady to Wm Savill  02 
Edmond Brudnell to Francis his sonne  02 
To Mr Paulsteed  03 
To Geo: Mole gent̃  02 
Francis Carter  {To John Bowater  02 
To Rich: Stevens  01 
To Mr Rich: Markham  01 
Thomas Melling to Mr Ro: Jefferyes  02 
Hen: Wolstenholme to John Wolstenholme  03 
Francis Carter To Geo: Brookes  02 
Ambrose Wood to Nathaniell Elthrington  02 
May 08  Clement Wilmer to Geo: Wilmer  02 
Francis Carter to Henry Wentworth  01 
20 Lo: Lawarr & ye La: his Mother 5 p̱sonall sha: to Jo: Parkhurst  05 
Sr Hen: Manwayring to his Brother Tho: Mainwayring esq̢  05 
[7]  Sr Samuell Sandis to his sonne Sr Edwine Sandis  01 
May 20  Wm Felgate to Tobias Felgate  01 
Phillip Jacobson to James Jacobson  01 
Francis Carter to Tho: Addison  01 
May 22  Doctor Dun, Deane of Paules 
Doctor Sunnibanck 
Mr Leech 
Mr Purcas}  Admitted 
Mr Damport 
Mr Wm Clarke 
Mr Tho: Barwick 
Mr Whitson Aldr̃an of Bristoll 
Elias Roberts to his sonne Elias  01 
June 19  James Mootham to[86]   01 
Francis Carter  To Thomas Waynwright  01 
To Rob̴t Smith  02 
July 3  Capt̃ Martin Prin admitted & giuen him  02 
Tho: Kerridge admitted & giuen him  02 
Rob̴t Careles admitted & giuen him  01 
Mr Swaine admitted & giuen him  01 
Mr Sam: Seaward 
Mr Lawne Preacher 
Mr Pemberton Minister 
Mary Tue 150 Acres to Mr Daniell Gookine 01½ 
Mary Tue to Samuell Jordan  01 
Lo: Marques Hamilton 
Sr Edw: Conway 
Sr Hen: Mildmay Admitted 
Sr Tho: Couentry 
Sr Edw: Barkham 
Mr Henage Finch 
Francis Carter to Edw: Palmer  16 
Francis Carter to Mr Edw: Butler  01 
Mr Browne admitted 
Tho Read to Edward Hurd  01 
17 Capt̃ Thomas Jones admitted. 
Francis Carter to John Hitch  01 
Rich: Bull. To Raphe Bateman  01 
To John Budge  01 
William Fleete to his daughter Kath: Fleete  03 
Nouem: 6  Mr John Ferrar to Mr Edmund Hun  01 
Sr Hen: Rich & his Lady to Mr Hen: Piercy  04 
Nouem: 6 
Henry Reynolds to Wm Vesy  02 
20  Lo: St John admitted & giuen him  10 
Decem: 4  Mr Nicho Ferrar to Mr Geo: Mordent  02 
Henry Lo: Lawarr & ye Lady Cicely to Mr Nicho Downes  02 
To Christopher Vivian  01 
To Mr Edw: Palmer  14 
To Tho: Morse  01 
Febru: 03  Francis Carter To James Carter  01 
To Thomas Latham  01 
To Edward Palmer  11 
To Rich Norwood  01 
Sr Wm Twisden to his sonne Sr Roger Twisden  03 
Wm Burnham to James Fotheringill one bill of Ad: of 12li 10s
and one p̱sonall share 
Collonell Ogle admitted. 
Ea: of South̴ton to Mr Geo: Garrett  02 
Mr John Ferrar to Sr Rob̴t Harley  01 
Mr John Ferrar to Elias Southerton  01 
Sr Humfry Handford to Sr Timothy Thornehill  01 
19  Mr Melling to Mr Boothby  02 
Mr Gideon D'Lawne to his sonne  02 
22  Sr John Trevor ye father to Sr John the Sonne  02 
Mr Viner to Mr Francis Bickly  01 
Mr Viner to Mr Rob̴t Alden  01 
Mr John Ferrar to Mathias Caldicott Esq̢  01 
March 7  Sr Edwin Sandis to Mr Henry Sandis his sonne  05 
Mr John Budge to Mr Middleton  01 
Mr Wm J—oson[87] to Mr Rich: Biggs  02 
Aprill 2  Sr Walter Rawleighes sonne admitted. 
To John Gibbens  01 
Mr Webb  To James Gibbens  01 
To Law: Williamson  01 
30  Mr Scott to Mr Tho: Culpeper  03 
May 07  Sr John Culpepper to Mr Freake  01 
14  Lo: Bruice admitted. 
Peter Humble to John Burgh  10 
Mr Bland to Mr Rob̴t Edwards  01 
Junii 9  Mr Burgh to Mr Antho: Withers  01 
Lo: D'Lawarr to Collonell Ogle  03 
Mr Downes to Mr Rich: Winckfield  02 

[Then follows Number 33, I, used as a cover to the whole and indorsed
"Virginia. ∥Businesse[88] ∥."]


Possibly 5,000.


Blank space in manuscript.




See post, in Vol. IV; List of Records, 518.