University of Virginia Library


The figures in the following tables may be taken as fairly accurate approximations
of all necessary expenses for a session of nine months. As necessary expenses
are reckoned here University, tuition, and athletic fees, laboratory fees,
lodging, board, laundry, and books, but not clothing, traveling expenses, or pocket
money. For each department three estimates are given—a low, an average,
and a liberal estimate. The difference in the three depends on the difference
of expenditure for board, lodging, books, and laundry—in other words, on
the scale of living of the individual student. If a student shares a room with
another student, and practices the strictest economy, he may possibly reduce his
expenses below the estimate.


Page 14
Low  Average  Liberal  Low  Average  Liberal 
University Fee  $ 50  $ 50  $ 50  $ 60  $ 60  $ 60 
Tuition Fee  10  10  10  175  175  175 
Athletic Fee  15  15  15  15  15  15 
Laboratory Fees (average)  10  10  10  10  10  10 
Room, Heat, Light, Furniture and Service  65  115  225  65  115  225 
Board  225  270  315  225  270  315 
Books  25  30  35  25  30  35 
Laundry  25  35  50  25  35  50 
Total for Session of Nine Months  $ 425  $ 535  $ 710  $ 600  $ 710  $ 885 

A fee of $3.00 is required of all women students for the upkeep of the
"Woman Students' Association Rooms."