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Chemistry 7. C. The Principles of General Chemistry.—12:15; C.
L. 28. Chemistry 7 and 8 combined. Credit, 6 hours (1½ session-hours).
Mr. Carter.

This course is offered especially for those who desire University credit in general
chemistry, or who are preparing to enter some medical school requiring chemistry
for entrance.


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Chemistry 8. C. Laboratory Course.—8:30 to 12:15 for advanced
laboratory work and 10:30 to 12:15 for others; C. L. Fee $10.00.
Deposit $5.00. Mr. Carter.

The facilities of the new laboratory and library are offered to those who wish
to do special work in general chemistry. The instruction in this course will be
such as to meet the needs of the following groups of students: those who contemplate
taking a civil service examination in chemistry and who wish additional
laboratory instruction; those who need additional laboratory experience in order to
meet the entrance requirements of professional schools; those who desire to apply
for University credit.

Chemistry 9. C. Organic Chemistry.—8:30; Laboratory 9:30 to
11:30; C. L. 28. Credit, 4 hours (2 session-hours). Fee $10.00.
Deposit $5.00. Mr. Bird.

This course is designed to cover the ground taken up by the first term during
the regular session. There will be one lecture and about 3 hours' laboratory work
a day.

Chemistry 10. C. Analytical Chemistry.—9:30 to 11:30; C. L.
Credit, 2 hours. Fee $10.00. Deposit $5.00. Mr. Bird.

This course is nominally a course in qualitative analysis, requiring about three
hours a day. The nature of the work may be modified to meet the needs of the
individual students and may include work in quantitative analysis.

Note.—In addition to the regular fee for Course 116, all except Virginia high
school teachers will be charged a laboratory fee of three dollars, and everyone must
deposit two dollars to cover breakage. Such portion as is not consumed will be refunded.
In Courses 8, 9 and 10 a laboratory fee of ten dollars and a breakage deposit
of five dollars will be required of every one.

Chemistry 115. C. General Chemistry for High School Teachers.
10:30; C. L. 28. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Carter.

A daily discussion of the elementary principles of the science will be held and
simple lecture table demonstrations made.

Chemistry 116. C. Laboratory Course for High School Teachers.
—8:30 to 10:30; C. L. Credit, 2 hours. Fee $3.00 (except Virginia
teachers). Deposit $2.00. Mr. Carter.

The sole object of this course is to train each member of the class to give laboratory
instruction in secondary schools.

Chemistry 117. C. Household Chemistry.—8:30; laboratory hours
to be arranged; C. L. 28. Credit, 2 hours. Deposit $2.00. Fee
(except Virginia teachers) $3.00. Mr. Bird and Mr. Carter.

Given in connection with the work in Household Arts. The lectures will consider
the chemistry of air, water, food and sanitation, with reference to the processes
that go on in the home, so far as the previous training of the student will
The laboratory work will consume about two hours a day. Not offered if
lower than 10 apply.

Special Methods of Teaching Chemistry.—Once a week—Friday at

A special conference on Methods of Teaching Chemistry in the high school will
be rendered by Dr. Bird and Dr. Carter. This conference will be valuable not only
to teachers of chemistry but to principals and supervisors as well.