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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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If two thirds of the Legislatures of the States
apply for the same the Legislature of the United
States shall call a Convention for the purpose of
amending the Constitution—or should Congress,
with the Consent of two thirds of each house, propose
to the States amendments to the same—the
agreement of two thirds of the Legislatures of the
States shall be sufficient to make the said amendments
parts of the Constitution.

The Ratification of the conventions of———
States shall be sufficient for organizing this Constitution.[27]



". . . What will be the result of their meeting I cannot with
any certainty determine, but I hardly think much good can come of
it; the people of America don't appear to me to be ripe for any great
innovations & it seems they are ultimately to ratify or reject: the
weight of Genl. Washington as you justly observe is very great in
America, but I hardly think it is sufficient to induce the people to pay
money or part with power.

"The delegates from the Eastwd. are for a very strong government,
& wish to prostrate all ye. State legislatures, & form a general system
out of ye whole; but I don't learn that the people are with them, on
ye. contrary in Massachusetts they think that government too strong,
& are about rebelling again, for the purpose of making it more democratical:
In Connecticut they have rejected the requisition for ye
present year decidedly, & no Man there would be elected to the office
of a constable if he was to declare that he meant to pay a copper
towards the domestic debt:—R. Island has refused to send members—
the cry there is for a good government after they have paid their debts
in depreciated paper:—first demolish the Philistines (i.e. their creditors)
then for propiety.

"N. Hampshire has not paid a shilling, since peace, & does not ever
mean to pay on to all eternity:—if it was attempted to tax the people
for ye domestic debt 500 Shays would arise in a fortnight.—In N.
York they pay well because they can do it by plundering N. Jersey &
Connecticut.—Jersey will go great lengths from motives of revenge
and Interest: Pensylvany will join provided you let the sessions of
the Executive of America be fixed in Philada. & give her other advantages
in trade to compensate for the loss of State power. I shall make
no observations on the Southern States, but I think they will be
(perhaps from different motives) as little disposed to part with efficient
power as any in the Union. . . ."—William Grayson to James
Monroe, New York, May 29, 1787. Monroe MSS.