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The Poetical Works of Robert Montgomery

Collected and Revised by the Author

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But at last, there seems a lull
Making night more beautiful.
Chariot, steed, and rapid car
With fainter cadence roll afar;
Till a deeper hush is come,
And the wide and wakeful hum
Ebbs and falls, and dies away
Like a dream-tone's melting play.
Through their rent and riven shrouds
Planets beam from yonder clouds;
Pallid stars patrol the sky,
And arrest some musing eye,
While yon weak and wat'ry moon,
Like a soft and silver noon
On the turret gleams awhile
With a pale and placid smile.
Soon o'er the varied City's vast extent
A deep'ning stillness from the night is sent;
And the calmer few who can
Master all the scenes of man,
Keeping down the pulse of life
When it throbs in storm or strife,—
Feel the balm of slumber now
Brooding over cheek and brow;
Those that work, and they who weep,
Woo the mercy of mild sleep;
And in soft innocence of sacred rest
The babe lies pillow'd on maternal breast.