University of Virginia Library



Not have me! not love me! Oh! what have I said?
Sure never was lover so strangely misled.


Rejected—and just when I hop'd to be blest!
You can't be in earnest—It must be a jest!
Remember, remember, how often I've knelt
Explicitly telling you all that I felt;
And talk'd about poison in accents so wild,
So very like torture, you started,—and smiled!
Not have me! not love me! Oh! what have I said? &c.


Not have me! not love me! And is it then true
That opulent age is the lover for you?
'Gainst rivalry's bloom I would strive,—'tis too much
To yield to the terror of rivalry's crutch.
Remember, remember, I might call him out,
But, Madam, you're scarcely worth fighting about;
My sword shall be stainless in blade and in hilt,
I thought you a jewel, I find you a jilt!
Not have me! not love me! And is it then true, &c.