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The Christian Scholar

By the Author of "The Cathedral" [i.e. Isaac Williams]

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Stretching unfathomably at boundless thought
Intensest visions were before him brought,
Unreal shadows; yet his spirit stern
Did still unconscious for that Presence yearn,
Which clothes Itself with circum-ambient day,
Swifter than solar beams or lightning ray.
Grasping infinity, he nothing found,
Then shrunk from vacuum that yawn'd around;
Spread like the blind his hands, therein to clasp
Annihilation in his feeble grasp;
As if some fiend that mock'd him in its place
Left but a shadow in his void embrace.
And thus he fail'd that mystery to scan
The greatness and the littleness of man.
Before him Nature's volume was unroll'd
Sublime, unmeasured, strange, and manifold,
Expatiating there with eager view;
The Ocean, and the vast resplendent Blue,
The Elements, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars
Were but the breathing mighty characters


Whereby he read vast Nature, to his soul
Presenting visions of th' unbounded Whole.
With awful horror blends delight divine,
Where bodies traverse depth and height, and shine
Wandering like sheep amid the infinite,
And feed on fields of the ethereal light .
The sounds his burning fancy did rehearse
Were but the songs of the vast Universe,
We hear—and listen to the impassion'd theme,
And catch strange truths in his bewilder'd dream.
Flammea per cœlum pascentes corpora passim.”

Lib. v. 525