Chrestoleros | ||
Epigr. 31.
Clerkes to their liuings wedded once did thriue,From which some are diuourst and yet do wiue,
Then Moses lawe tooke holde, the brother dead,
The brother should suruiuing raise him seed.
But we succeding husbands can haue none.
Which are so wicked husbands to our owne,
The wife tofore which many husbands had,
With their soft rayment and rich iewels clad.
Tyr'de like a Princesse and without compaire.
VVe haue cast of from her owne blood & kinne.
To serue a stranger and to stoope to him,
And she alreadie groanes as thrall indeed,
And we yet liuing stinke of this foule deede.
VVhat should the enemie do with barbrous knife?
Learne of the husband to torment the wife?
Wolues to your selues, vipers to your own mother.
And caterpillers eatinge one an other.
Chrestoleros | ||