University of Virginia Library



Yankee tars! come, join the chorus,
Shout aloud the patriot strain;
Freedom's flag, again victorious,
Floats triumphant o'er the main.
Hail the gallant Constitution!
Hull immortalized her name;
Bainbridge, round it in profusion
Pours the golden blaze of fame.
Scarce had Fame her Hull rewarded,
Ere intrepid Bainbridge rose,
Eager while the world applauded,
To subdue his country's foes.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Hull, on board the Constitution,
Sank his foe beneath the flood;
Fired with equal resolution,
Bainbridge sought the scene of blood.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Lambert met him on the Java,
Fierce the hot contention rose—


Like the streams of Etna's lava,
Fell our vengeance on the foes
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Neptune shunned the fierce commotion,
Saw his realm with carnage spread,
Saw our fire illume the ocean,
Covered with the floating dead.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Twice had Time his glass inverted,
While the strife deformed the flood,
Ere the fiend of death, diverted,
Ceased to glut on human blood.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
See, our foe, upon the billow,
Floats a wreck without a spar—
Lowly lies on ocean's pillow,
Many a brave and gallant tar.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Hark! his lee gun speaks submission,
Bid our vengeful tars forbear—
Mercy views the foe's condition,
Sees a bleeding brother there.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.


Man the boats! the foe, confounded,
Yields to our superior fire;
Board the prize! relieve the wounded!
Ere in anguish they expire.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Ah! the fight was hard contested,
Groaning there an hundred bleed,
Sixty-nine has death arrested,
From their floating prisons freed.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Clear the wreck! she can not swim, boys;
See! she follows the Guerriere!
Now your cans fill to the brim, boys,
Sing our navy's bright career.
Hail the gallant Constitution, &c.
Toast the heroes famed in story,
Hull, Decatur, Rodgers, Jones;
Bainbridge, chief in naval glory,
Smiling Freedom joyfully owns.
Hail the gallant Constitution!
Hull immortalized her name;
Bainbridge, round it in profusion
Pours the golden blaze of fame.